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Clock(:) time style; and Tho & Thru

We use Clock Form for dates. Clock Form uses colons, to count down from largest to smallest,
Year:Month:Day:Hour (or 24 hour):Minute & am/pm. So, 2005:July:4:11:35 am or '05:7:4:11:35 am.
(Special note: 2005:7:4 was not just the holiday, but also the day we all had free to meet and found Civic Satisfaction, so our birthday.)

Pushing the largest to smallest in Clock Form is similar to helping 1st graders see the largest to smallest in our base 10 number system, and to recognize the irregularities, Like the teens, in our number system. From 20, we use twenty one, twenty two and so on. Yet teens don't start with teen one, teen two, teen three, or even teen four. And the irregularity confuses kids, unless we clarify that it is irregular.

So too, when you look at your bank balance:
$4,321 - puts the most important number first.

Many cultures, even western cultures, use different forms for date and time. Clock Form's lovely logic is a convention we are proud to help popularize, or at least make familiar.


So too, at least within the English language, we push the use of THO and THRU, for though and through, which linger too long from Middle English.

To keep such changes to a reasonable level we limit ourselves to these few.

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