Civic Satisfaction  A Key to better politics with more people involved: A deceptively simple listing of political... discussions, meetings, debates, forums, rallies, events, etc.
Your Key to "do something."
The light
at the center
of the political maze.
Civic Satisfaction
shine brigher.
About: Irony
We ask all who use this site...
Submit your Event
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Meet ing Glo bal
CivSat on Facebook
Friends old and new:
Progress Now Action
Loretto Community
CO Communities JP
Carol for Peace
CO Citizns/Accntblty
Bldr Co-op Common
BuyBlue Colorado
ColoSprings ActionA
Theopolitics o'Right
Rebel Graphics iww
People's Cafe
Dnvr Just&Peace C
CodePink Dnvr/Bldr
CO Palestine S C
Wash.Park Profile
El Centro Su Teatro
CO MidE Activist Pt
CO Stonewall Dems
Bike Denver
CO Progrssv Coalitn
John Kennedy's blog
CO Impeach Coalit
Derailer Bike Collctv
Volunteer Outdoors
We Are Change CO
CO Crim J ReformC
Overland Park NA
Denver Progressives
3 Nov Movement
Main St Free Press
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
Staff: Who dat?
Walt Geisel
More soon
What's your message
to the activist
community? Your ad?
Sponsor messages

events, business,
candidates, etc
or email Walt
Note as you wave
your cursor over
links, that some
lead to interesting
links. If you think
your link should be
included, then
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
Imagine a world
where your voice is
heard. Donate to
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction

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Your ad/link here?
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People: Volunteer Civic Satisfaction's own Fund-Raisers Home
Sponsors & Ads: Business Candidates Initiatives
Active Groups: Events, Festivals & Fund Raisers Alerts & Calls for Volunteers

The reverse of irony may be satisfaction: Thanks

For the 1000s of you who visit occasionally, regularly, or the 100s who submit meetings and events - Thank You - Keep 'em coming - Keep coming

And you know your donations power Civic Satisfaction

If you just want to Contribute
Know that with the Newtek Rip-Off we're using Walt's bank account again:

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209


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You can help insure Civic Satisfaction has all the political meetings and events. We sometimes (no promises, new to Civic Satisfaction) articles and compilations about an issue.

Send them to or go to our Submit page and see the guidelines. Without everyone's help to keep Civic Satisfaction stay abreast, this would really get expensive.

Civic Satisfaction looks easy but, ironicly is hard to keep up with. And as we have increased the participation, it gets even harder. Tho we do get to go to lots of political meetings to stay involved, writing all these events is a bit tedious. We need programmers of most codes, folk to post their interests, bookkeepers, fund raisers and idea smiths. Civic Satisfaction is also a think tank. Civic Satisfaction unlocks the logjam of politics, bad leaders, ineffectual government and lets the people express their feelings and creativity.

You can even help with the flood of emails that we wade thru. Just Volunteer or contact:

Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209
and/or just donate, Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction and mail directly

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With this just-a-little-easier access to all the active groups, you
- connect with groups on your favorite issues
- at whatever level of commitment is best, now
- find issue groups that fit you best

and access to meet and evaluate candidates
- first hand, rather than mucking thru all the ads and rhetoric
- first hand, where you can feel the hearts and minds of candidates and of active leaders of groups
- first hand and face to face, is also where the fun of working with people on issues is at.

Of course Civic Satisfaction is the Key to unlock the power of the people, the Key at the center of all our issues.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

And right now we are in awe of all the meetings and events you are submitting. Partly we are in awe because people love the idea. And we are in awe of how we are drowning in work. We can't get to our meetings, which is a perk here, but we need to talk to some of these people and collaborate on the postings and future. We need more crew, and we have knowledgeable people we need. Or you can Volunteer. And now we need your donations.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

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And as you send donations we'll built the Media Section so people can tune right in to issues they want to know about, rather than listening all day, hoping to catch what they want. wants to list topics, not just show titles and time. Or you can Volunteer.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

And with resources Civic Satisfaction can move beyond Denver. Tho that's people resources as well as money, if we are to keep the intimate touch we've tried to maintain. We have been asked to help cover Fort Collins, Greeley, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Avon, Grand Junction and more. Help Civic Satisfaction spread. Or you can Volunteer.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

Again, we always need your help. We Ask All Who Use This Site to mention more than their own meetings, events or broadcast schedule for follow up or more. A successful meeting is one that agrees to meet again. So, when you decide when and where to hold your next meeting, also mention similar meetings, events or media. And mention Civic Satisfaction, especially as where you looked for other meetings to mention. Word of Mouth is so important we spent a page on it. And here you can show your support for such networking

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

And the whole idea is to unleash people power of groups who can forge creative solutions. Civic Satisfaction wants to make it easier to elect the thoughtful legislators we always imagined. Those who can write simpler, less confusing laws without obfuscation - without the smoke and mirrors that only the few can profit from. Here is where we develop a culture that always spends a little time tracking politics or working favorite issues to good effect.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

Here is how we eliminate high privilege and profit raking, so every job is valuable and makes a living wage with free time for family and friends, arts, exercise, games, and politics - which is always our favorite game - but not so desperately. Or cynically

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

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With just a little more control by the people we can build the trustworthy government, with wise laws that will always need to be honed, with respected leaders who help us stay a strong people growing strong leaders. We all know we can eliminate poverty and hopelessness, and oppression. We all know we can make the land a garden. We all know that violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

With just a little more aerating of the grassroots, making it a little easier for people to participate just a little more, we know education can be Play, as we all know it should be, and develop creative craftsmen of every profession. The people have said they want equality and now need to show the way, just a little more to finally set equality into our culture. And the arts, all the arts, that enrich our lives and help us blossom, will continue to help us celebrate and argue and lead in a culture of truth.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

So contribute to all your issues and to Civic Satisfaction who helps you help yourself on all your issues.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

If Civic Satisfaction is the small Key at the center of this great puzzle, we need your input, like on how to improve and expand, and how to improve this Contribution page. And we need your donations to aerate the grassroots and help satisfy your civic desires and duty, when so much needs to be done.

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

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Like my grandfather always said, "The only thing worse than paying taxes, is not having to pay taxes."

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

Let us know if you would like to be listed as a contributor. And note that our Friends links are on each page. would love to trade links with your political name or organization. Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact We want people to get to you, so help us help you. Connections are the main idea of Civic Satisfaction.

Help us survive, and keep meeting and event postings free - please Contribute

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

Volunteer - 4 ways, so far: Can you think of more?

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If you have any ideas how Civic Satisfaction can help more, let us know.
If you would like to take over a whole section of meetings, whether a group or set of groups that you work with, we can really use the help.
Whether or not you can send us html code, know how we lay out your events really helps. And allows Civic Satisfaction to keep that intimate touch.
And please include links so we can bring people right to the source of information.
Call Walt at 303-423-2399, contact or use the Submit page.

The 2nd way to volunteer is that we need a lot of programming help, php, file building, web page writing, HELP!
As above: Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact

And NEW: We do need help getting Business, Candidates and Active Groups with Funders to promote on so you can help.
Note that we talk more about this and also offer a commission.

Some people love the look of and some don't - Tell us. Some of this is the programming we have available, but let us know.
All ideas are welcome. You can stop in at our Friday night meeting & party. Or Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact,
and if some of these ideas will take money...

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209


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Focus more attention on your campaign, get your WORD out to voters,
with an ad on that links to your campaign website(s).
As a central nexus of the active community, we have been very successful at Calls for Volunteers.

Any one event shows up once on, but your ad with Next Event jumps voters there.
Your ad increases your Presence between events
and draws more of our knowledgeable voters to your to check out your website.
Your increased site-hits show voters doing their homework before your event.

You may place ads in upper right column.
See main calendar for examples and return with Proud Sponsor click or Back.

To include even the poorest candidates, we will accept a token donation of $20
Generally we ask Sponsor ad/links at:
and more ranks you higher and more shows your appreciation for what we do.
Aimed to be far cheaper than mailing in a State House District, but will last until your Election.
800-1000 hits/week, doubles in major elections. 3 lines deep across right column. At the $2000 level you will be placed ahead of smaller donations.

I generally suggest your name and office most visable. Then, your logo or banner.
Often leaves room for your favorite talking points. Yet what do you want for an ad?
This may be 'post and forget' if you 'happen' to be busy, or update as inspired
You may design your own or we'll do design, usually from your website, for continuity

For easy voter reference races are grouped together, then ranked by donation.
Largest contribution race placed first. You choose how much to donate.

Show your empathy with voters through work with Civic Satisfaction. A responsible and fair leader is open to all and Civic Satisfaction helps your connect with your community. As you work with voters and Civic Satisfaction, you demonstrate that you can do your part. Civic Satisfaction is building a team in the self-interest of all. Those with the self-discipline to win will grow stronger with Civic Satisfaction.

Again, we are gaining a reputation for volunteers from the active community and for site hits.


Civic Sstisfaction is a central nexus in metro Denver's politically active community networks and voters,
and the vast numbers who want to get active or shift their activity,
all parties and non-partisan active and issue groups,
so we try to dampen the election rollercoaster.
Civic Satisfaction's currently runs 1600 hits/week during Elections
We sometimes get down as low as 800 hits/week between elections.
And we grow every election

Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact
Please include links so we can bring people right to the source of information
For quickest Sponsorship just include a note with donation:

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209


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Initiatives & Campaigns

Focus more attention on your Initiative or Campaign, get your WORD out to voters and the public.
We have been very successful at Calls for Volunteers, since we are a central nexus of the active community.

Any one event shows up once in,
but you can increase your Presence between and after events, draw more folks to your events with a Sponsor ad/link to your website or email.
Your increased site-hits show people doing their homework before your event.

You may place ads in middle left column or new, upper right space.

To include even the poorest campaigns, we will accept a token donation of $20
We suggest a donation of $200
aimed to be far cheaper than mailing in a State House District, but will last as you choose.
At the $2000 level you will be placed ahead of smaller donations.
Generally we figure Sponsor ad/links at:
and more ranks you higher

Your logo or banner may be background for your campaign ad.
Separate campaigns may be ranked by donation.
You choose how much to donate.

This may be 'post and forget' if you 'happen' to be busy, or update as inspired
You may design your own or we'll do design, usually from your website, for continuity

Again, we are gaining a reputation for Volunteers from the active community and for site hits.


Civic Sstisfaction is a central nexus in metro Denver's politically active community networks and voters,
and the vast numbers who want to get active or shift their activity,
all parties and non-partisan active and issue groups,
so we try to dampen the election or campaign rollercoaster.
Civic Satisfaction's currently runs 1600 hits/week during Elections
We sometimes get down as low as 800 hits/week between elections.
And we grow every election

Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact
Please include links so we can bring people right to the source of information
For quickest Sponsorship just include a note with donation:

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209


back to Top

Focus more attention on what you do offer to the active community and voters

If you do events, one event shows up once in,
but you can increase your Presence between events or always,
and draw more people when you do have events with a Sponsor ad/link to your website (or email).

You may place ads in the middle left column or the upper right column.

$25/week, $100/month, $1000/year
Largest contribution (per depth of lines) placed first:

This may be 'post and forget' if you happen to be busy, or update as inspired
You may design your own or we'll do design

And we are gaining a reputation for site hits.

Civic Sstisfaction is a central nexus in metro Denver's politically active community networks and voters,
and the vast numbers who want to get active or shift their activity,
all parties and non-partisan active and issue groups.
Civic Satisfaction's current peak is 1700 hits/week, especially during elections.
We are growing so well that we always receive at least 800 hits/week

Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact
Please include links so we can bring people right to the source of your information
For quickest Sponsorship just include a note with donation:

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209


back to Top

Focus more attention on your upcoming Event or Fund Raiser.

Any one event shows up once in,
but you can increase your Presence between events
and draw more voters to your events with a Sponsor ad/link to your website or email.

You may place ads in middle left column or upper right column.

$5/day, $25/week, $100/month, $1000/year
Or 1% of funds raised, if you agree.
And of course we work with all, so many are $20 token donations
But Largest Contributors (per depth of lines) are placed first:

This may be 'post and forget" if you happen to be busy, or update as inspired
You may design your own or we'll do design

And we are gaining a reputation for Call for Volunteers from the active community and for site hits.

Civic Sstisfaction is a central nexus in metro Denver's politically active community networks and voters,
and the vast numbers who want to get active or shift their activity,
all parties and non-partisan active and issue groups
(& so we try to dampen the election rollercoaster).
Civic Satisfaction's current peak is 1700 hits/week during elections
Latest peak is 1458 hits/week during actions for the 40th anniverery of Occupation of Palestine
We are growing so well that we usually get 800 to 1600 hits/week

Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact
Please include links so we can bring people right to the you or your source of information
For quickest Sponsorship just include a note with donation:

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209


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Focus more attention on your ALERTS, draw more Volunteers,
which we have been very good at since we are a central nexus in the active community.

Alerts do not yet have a separate page on Civic Satisfaction but we can place Sponsored Alerts in the upper right column
and draw more folk to your page, your own website or email.

$5/day, $25/week, $100/month, $1000/year
And of course we work with all, so many, well most, are $20 token donations
But Largest Contributors (per depth of lines) are placed first:

This is your chance to help build the Petions and Alerts page - all the Calls to Action,
(not to meet or rally or discuss - KEEP THEM FREE - but to call, write, sign a petition).
We really love the face to face, but also need to support and build the Petition Section, with your help

This may be 'post and forget' if you happen to be busy, or update as inspired
You may design your own or we'll do design


Civic Sstisfaction is a central nexus in metro Denver's politically active community networks and voters,
and the vast numbers who want to get active or shift their activity,
all parties and non-partisan active and issue groups.
Civic Satisfaction's current peak is 1700 hits/week during elections
Latest peak is 1458 hits/week during actions for the 40th anniverery of Occupation of Palestine
We are growing so well that we usually get 800 to 1600 hits/week

Call Walt at 303-423-2399, or contact
Please include links so we can bring people right to the source of information
For quickest Sponsorship just include a note with donation:

All Buttons CLOSED, Again - Checks only to help

Please write a check to:
Walt Geisel, Civic Satisfaction
PO Box 9656, Denver 80209

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