Civic Satisfaction The question is how we build
a government we trust

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About: Irony
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Civic Satisfaction
Staff: Who dat?
Walt Geisel
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events, business,
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or email Walt
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Civic Satisfaction
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Civic Satisfaction

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Civic Satisfaction
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P.O. Box 9656,
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Civic Satisfaction
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to gather Volunteers
see Mark Ferrandino
atop Olde Examples
  face to face events
The light at the
of the political maze.
Civic Satisfaction
shine brigher.
2024 Anti-War Events World BEYOND War free/ticket

2024 Training Social Movement Technologies mostly free

Wednesday 2025:February:12 - An Honest Prez
7:30-8:30 am Buddhist Peace Vigil Iraq Wed State Capital free
11-Noon - Club The World Is My Country - Wed link $10/0
Noon - Conversation with... The Nation register $10
6-7 pm intro call Wed Citizens' Climate Lobby 1-866-642-1665 free

Thursday 2025:February:13
Noon-2 pm Boulder Atheists Lunch Thu Tra Lings, 2850 Iris Ave, Boulder free
5:15-6:15 pm Women in Black Vigil for Peace Thu NW corner Colfax & 15th STREET free
?5:30-8:30 pm - Cervezas for Causes - Thu Cervecería Colorado, 1635 Platte St, Denver free
6-7:30 pm - rsvp Ecology Network - 2ndThu Move to Amend free
6-8 pm - Zoom sign-up Transportation Committee - 2ndThuBiMo INC free
6:30 pm Columbine, Littleton monthly - rsvp Moms Demand Action free
7 pm Movie Night Thu Secular Hub, 3100 Downing #C, Denver $5/0

Friday 2025:February:14 - ?Fridays for Future, map - Don't you Luv it?
7 pm or so Civic Satisfaction Meeting & Party Fri Walt's, #808, 1212 S.Federal, Denver free

Saturday 2025:February:15
10 am cook Noon-1 eat, Boulder Lib, 1001 Arapahoe Bldr Food Not Bombs free
??10:30-11:30 am Vigil CO Citizens for Peace Sat Wadsworth & 52nd,Arvada free
11 am-Noon - Anti-War Demonstration - most Sats - RMPJC - Canyon and Broadway, Boulder free
?11-Noon North Metro Peace Vigil Sat 92nd Ave & Sheridan (park Wild Oats) free
11-1 pm Puppy Mill Protest Sat AAN 3CW Puppies N Stuff, 12020 Melody Dr, Westminster free
12:30-1:30 pm Women in Black Colorado Mills Sat pdf 14255 Colfax, Lakewood/Golden free
1-2 pm Longmont Leads With Love - Sat - 600 Main, Longmont free
?1-2 pm AFSC Peace Vigil Sat 1st & University, Cherry Creek, Denver (park Wild Oats) free
Jump to top
Sunday 2025:February:16
9:30 am Free Meal - Sun BUCB Occupy outLoud Curtus & 16th St. Mall potluck
10-Noon Coffee & Community - Sun Freedom From Religion Secular Hub,254 Knox Ct,Dnvr free
11 pm - Community Forum - Sun First Universalist Church of Denver Zoom free
?12:30 or 1 pm ?Coffee Not Cops Sun KJ's, 1710 E.25th Ave, Denver free
?1-2 pm - ?Boulder Vigil ?Sun - Meeting of Friends - Broadway & Pearl, Boulder free

Monday 2025:February:17 - Well, the honest Presidents
Noon-1:15 pm CO Social Legis Committee Mon 1st Baptist, 1373 Grant, Denver free
4-7 pm Mutual Aid Monday 14th and Bannock, Denver free
5:30-6:30 pm Raging Grannies - meeting Mon Mercury Café, 2199 California, Denver free
7-8 pm - Statewide Meeting - Mon - Zoom poor peoples' campaign free

Tuesday 2025:February:18
?10 am-Noon ?Boulder World Affairs Discussion Gp - Tue Meadows Lib, 4800 Baseline Rd free
10 am: Cook 1-3 pm: Eat @ Civic Center on 14th Food NOT Bombs Tue free
Noon-2 pm Nuclear Nexus Tue RMPJC email Zoom lunch
7:30 pm - Tue Rotary E Club of World Peace Zoom free

Wednesday 2025:February:19
7:30-8:30 am Buddhist Peace Vigil Iraq Wed State Capital free
11-Noon - Club The World Is My Country - Wed link $10/0
Noon - Conversation with... The Nation register $10
6-7 pm intro call Wed Citizens' Climate Lobby 1-866-642-1665 free

Thursday 2025:February:20
Noon-2 pm Boulder Atheists Lunch Thu Tra Lings, 2850 Iris Ave, Boulder free
5:15-6:15 pm Women in Black Vigil for Peace Thu NW corner Colfax & 15th STREET free
?5:30-8:30 pm - Cervezas for Causes - Thu Cervecería Colorado, 1635 Platte St, Denver free
7 pm Movie Night Thu Secular Hub, 3100 Downing #C, Denver $5/0

Friday 2025:February:21 - ?Fridays for Future, map
7 pm or so Civic Satisfaction Meeting & Party Fri Walt's, #808, 1212 S.Federal, Denver free

Saturday 2025:February:22 - A Prez who would not tell a lie
10 am cook Noon-1 eat, Boulder Lib, 1001 Arapahoe Bldr Food Not Bombs free
??10:30-11:30 am Vigil CO Citizens for Peace Sat Wadsworth & 52nd,Arvada free
11 am-Noon - Anti-War Demonstration - most Sats - RMPJC - Canyon and Broadway, Boulder free
?11-Noon North Metro Peace Vigil Sat 92nd Ave & Sheridan (park Wild Oats) free
11-1 pm Puppy Mill Protest Sat AAN 3CW Puppies N Stuff, 12020 Melody Dr, Westminster free
12:30-1:30 pm Women in Black Colorado Mills Sat pdf 14255 Colfax, Lakewood/Golden free
1-2 pm Longmont Leads With Love - Sat - 600 Main, Longmont free
?1-2 pm AFSC Peace Vigil Sat 1st & University, Cherry Creek, Denver (park Wild Oats) free
Jump to top
Sunday 2025:February:23
9:30 am Free Meal - Sun BUCB Occupy outLoud Curtus & 16th St. Mall potluck
10-Noon Coffee & Community - Sun Freedom From Religion Secular Hub,254 Knox Ct,Dnvr free
11 pm - Community Forum - Sun First Universalist Church of Denver Zoom free
?12:30 or 1 pm ?Coffee Not Cops Sun KJ's, 1710 E.25th Ave, Denver free
?1-2 pm - ?Boulder Vigil ?Sun - Meeting of Friends - Broadway & Pearl, Boulder free

Monday 2025:February:24
Noon-1:15 pm CO Social Legis Committee Mon 1st Baptist, 1373 Grant, Denver free
4-7 pm Mutual Aid Monday 14th and Bannock, Denver free
5:30-6:30 pm Raging Grannies - meeting Mon Mercury Café, 2199 California, Denver free
7-8 pm - Statewide Meeting - Mon - Zoom poor peoples' campaign free

Tuesday 2025:February:25
?10 am-Noon ?Boulder World Affairs Discussion Gp - Tue Meadows Lib, 4800 Baseline Rd free
10 am: Cook 1-3 pm: Eat @ Civic Center on 14th Food NOT Bombs Tue free
Noon-2 pm Nuclear Nexus Tue RMPJC email Zoom lunch
7-8:30 pm Energy & Environment Study Gp - Denver Dems - 4thTue Zoom free
7:30 pm - Tue Rotary E Club of World Peace Zoom free

Wednesday 2025:February:26
7:30-8:30 am Buddhist Peace Vigil Iraq Wed State Capital free
11-Noon - Club The World Is My Country - Wed link $10/0
Noon - Conversation with... The Nation register $10
6-7 pm intro call Wed Citizens' Climate Lobby 1-866-642-1665 free

Thursday 2025:February:27
Noon-2 pm Boulder Atheists Lunch Thu Tra Lings, 2850 Iris Ave, Boulder free
5:15-6:15 pm Women in Black Vigil for Peace Thu NW corner Colfax & 15th STREET free
?5:30-8:30 pm - Cervezas for Causes - Thu Cervecería Colorado, 1635 Platte St, Denver free
7 pm Movie Night Thu Secular Hub, 3100 Downing #C, Denver $5/0

Friday 2025:February:28 - ?Fridays for Future, map
7 pm or so Civic Satisfaction Meeting & Party Fri Walt's, #808, 1212 S.Federal, Denver free

Saturday 2025:March:1
10 am cook Noon-1 eat, Boulder Lib, 1001 Arapahoe Bldr Food Not Bombs free
??10:30-11:30 am Vigil CO Citizens for Peace Sat Wadsworth & 52nd,Arvada free
11 am-Noon - Anti-War Demonstration - most Sats - RMPJC - Canyon and Broadway, Boulder free
?11-Noon North Metro Peace Vigil Sat 92nd Ave & Sheridan (park Wild Oats) free
11-1 pm Puppy Mill Protest Sat AAN 3CW Puppies N Stuff, 12020 Melody Dr, Westminster free
12:30-1:30 pm Women in Black Colorado Mills Sat pdf 14255 Colfax, Lakewood/Golden free
1-2 pm Longmont Leads With Love - Sat - 600 Main, Longmont free
?1-2 pm AFSC Peace Vigil Sat 1st & University, Cherry Creek, Denver (park Wild Oats) free
Jump to top
When momentum lessened, Kamala turned right instead of left - Walt
Your support may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Verify elections free
Your support may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
walt's Soil & Water Carbon Fixing Annotated Reading List
Part 2: Local Ag Soil & Water Carbon Fixing Reading List
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
National Popular Vote Compact - 2022:August:2 - walt
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
watch @ 50% off The World is My Country NOW
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
my email to Joe Manchin - was a bust
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
No evidence exists that Proud Boys or other Trump terrorists set wildfires across the western states.
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Stop.Backlash Recalls LowCost.Campaign Break.Gridlock
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Bullies: deal with them
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
HUD smoking ban & Denver Housing candle & incense ban
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Resurrection Clothing needs help to help homeless gofundme
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Calenders help spread the load in interesting times:
Indivisible Resistance -local
Together We Will Colorado - growing again Cardboard Cory
Progress Now CO - working up
Resistance 5280 - lots to do
Community for Unity calendar, good too, keep networking
HD 4 Resistance by Barry Roseman, latest?
People For the American Way: Resustence near me
People Power - ACLU: Freedom Cities, Police, Muslim
#ResistTrumpTuesdays, Bernie's ACA Rallies, townhalls +
Town Hall Project & Center for Food Safety, networking
MoveOn's Resistance Recess is back
Our Revolution - Bernie, mostly networked
CO Activists' Events, fading Coloradans for Justice
Your calendar may Sponsor & relieve Civic Satisfaction
Move to Amend Ask DeGette what are her concerns?
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
VICTORY at Standing Rock? #NO DAPL, etc. Petitions
Your Petition may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
US House Calendar Senate Both
Your calendar may Sponsor & relieve Civic Satisfaction
help Fashion laggards take the lead in protecting forests
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
The Buffett Rule (get Congress and debt under control)
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Exit Poll Fraud Internatl Election Monitors US much more
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
CO Care Yes, Amend 69 May:21 Post pans, Walt's Take
Your Initiatives may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World: TED Talk
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Nice, etc. Walt's take on Thiessen 2016:July:16 - Powell
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Syria: Refugee Assad Warbucks - Walt's Take
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Iran, Nukes & Israel, Walt's Take: a drag for Iran
Aug:30-Sept:1 Gaza Booth, Boulder Hometown, CJP
2014:August:16: Gaza Rallies Petition
Water Aparteid: video End the Occupation
GAZA - what to do.... toward balance
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Clean drinking water: WATER Act walt's take
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Summer of Peace - 2016:June:13-Sept:21
Tue 10 am - Everyday Peace The Peace-Alliance
Fri 1 pm Work Transform. w/out Past $500 NVC Acadamy
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
68th Annual Conf on World Affairs - 2016:April:4-8 - fb
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Why Are All Our Teachers Leaving? Petition
Ponderosa High School protest, 2016:March:9
Your Petition may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Cannacan: Helping Homeless, including weed Dec:2015
Right To Rest, Denver Post 2015:April:16
Denver Housing Petition:2014:April - FRESC - Walt's Take
National People s Action agrees: Walt's Take, walt's take
Foreclosure success maybe - & failure:
Petition 2013:March, CPC Petition, HB 13-1249
Stop Home Foreclosures Initiative needs Volunteers:
CPC, 2, 3, RMPJC, 2, 3 - Occupy
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Grocery Booze Tyson Conflict Palm Oil Monsanto
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Snowden Treaty Snowden, Snowden, Snowden: Walts Take
Your Initiatives may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Pay Forward, Pay Back undergrads envision loans
Student Loan Bill, Sen.Warren: Your Senator? dfa
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Education: Strongest Economic Multiplier
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
RTD: We Need Affordable Transit! RAP
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
TPP & TAA Stalled - "But, this fight is far from over"
TPP update: President Obama on the defensive - CREDO
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
2015:June:2 wear orange Gun Violence Awareness Day
'15:April:13 Alert: Rep.Joe Salazar magazine @ 15 or 30
Some Gun Owners Need Socialized Gun Social
2015:Feb more f
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
80 Legislator Letter on Human Services - Walt's Take
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Frack Loopholes: Water, Air; Push! LCV more?
CO: Against Fracking Fracking Sierra Frack Free
natl: fractivist b Mothers
PRO-CO Ban-Fracking: celebrate & summit Walt's Take
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Ferguson Protest CO for Justice meet tweet :RMPJC
Action Words>Actions Don't Shoot No Indictment :UFPJ
Black Lives Matter Black Fist
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Communities United Against Mass Incarceration: CUAMI
Cops Escort Protesters - 2014:Dec:5 - Walt's Take
Sheriff Reform TaskForce Reports comment Walt'sTake
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Native American Music Awards 2015 FNX KRMA KBDI
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
End Drug War WeedMaps MJ Concentrates
Sensible CO - f Regulate NORML - Where to buy
MJ Advice Legalize! Drug War tipping point?
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
peoples' superPAC: Money in Politics, UpWorthy - MayDay
Corporate Personhood, Reductio ad absurdum
Day of Action Against Corporate Personhood
Petition Obama: big money out of politics
Debate, 2012:June: HD4Dem, Dnvr Puppet,3156 38th
May: Move Your Money, to Credit Union - Already Did?
Nation'Ch, Amend Citizens United, The Corporation:Greed
Challenge Corporate Rule: CO - MoveToAmend, Local
10 Corps Paid NO Taxes - Hick's Bottom-Up Econ & survey
Sponsored by Civic Satisfaction, please help
Entertainment Health 2014:January9/a>
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Third World Election Violence 2014:February:16
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Save Hentzell Park Natural Area, petition,volunteer: HD 9
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Immigration: 9 Forward, 6 Back Unveiled Cynical Sense
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
More parking in Denver: petition - Walt's Take
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
ALEC members in your district or CO - Blll Moyers
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Walmart petition: 2013:June:04 - American Rights at Work
change walmart;Alliance4GlobalJustice;MoveOn;UFCW:f
CO alert  -   WWU  -   UNI Global Union: fb  -   corp.action
Students Against Sweatshops,Sum Of Us,Occupy Wall St,Y
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
r.i.p. Left Hand Books 2013:April:15 Westword
BC Busines Report Post Walt's take
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Campaingn Transperency:            ALEC exposed
Stop Secret Spending by SuperPac Billionaires: CREDO
League: LWV - by Carline Shaw - Colorado LWV
Smart Voter - Colorado - - Flack Check - Fact Check
Fair Vote: Arizona - -
America Speaks - Global Voices - No Labels
Lady Gaga: Bad Romance: Women's Suffrage
You may contribute to Civic Satisfaction, please help
Rupert Murdoch not fit to run News Corp.
Murdcoch royal editor arrested < Parliament hearings
Common Dreams: Images Worth a Thousand Words
media's new mob boss - No one may own competing media
Sponsored by Civic Satisfaction, please help
OCCUPY: Boulder, f, t - Denver, f - Englewood
Longmont, f - Loveland - Colorado
Occupy - Together - meet ups
Sponsored by Civic Satisfaction, please help
Map: Nuclear Bombs in Your Backyard, Mother Jones
Alert Civic Satisfaction Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Resistance: Over 2,600 Activists Arrested Since Obama
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
How much did you pay for war this year?
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
CLOSED, again - after being phished - Please donate!
Choose Your Own and Vote Your Donation
Afgan:10 Yrs,Still Stupid, Except for Daddy Warbucks
Wikileaks: Kill Messenger of Corruption? & Distract
Relieved Elections are over?
Election Overload is Weak Debate!
Restructure CO Elections!
Did you Wish Daddy Warbucks a Happy 911 Day? Thin our Forests or Burn
Fund Schools or Serfdom Bail Main Street, Not Wall Street
HealthCare Now Make Love, Not War
Reality in Drug Laws 2 Parties, 1 voice
I paid my taxes, where my representation? Hamas is the new Irish Republican Army
Retrain Torturers More fines, less jail
10,000 years ago semi-nomadic folk in Georgia spent
13 hours per week, 1/3 of our 40, on food, clothing
& shelter, and filled their days with arts & games.
Modern efficiency should need 4-5 hrs/wk for basics.
Time the traffic lights People Power Economy
Watching Halliburton makes me yearn for Halle Berry Undocumented?Ask First Nations
Or Roll Your Own
Put your money where your mouth is...

Wikileaks: Kill Messenger of Corruption? & Distract CREDO avaaz ANTI-WAR
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Finger Counting should end by early 2nd Grade,Or NOW
Education Solutions
Algebra is about finding the easy way through
1st - college tutoring and teacher training
Education Solutions is our largest Sponsor
Clean Campaigns CO update: 2009:June 2009:Feb
Your Updates may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Revisit Bush crimes & more
Do Bush/Chaney excesses & crimes become Precedents?
Or do we IMPEACH? - Push
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
$85B for AIG or $300K/adult after taxes?!?
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction

Olde Examples:

Paul Noel Fiorino for Congressal District 1
Unity Party Colorado Vote Smart
Paul Fiorino for CD 1 is a proud Sponsor
War & Environm - Jun:6-Aug:16 - $100 World Beyond War
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Denver Election: RESULTS, Endorsements, issues, videos
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
NO NAFTA/USMCA IATP #2 flush Nov:29 call Congress
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Election RESULTS, etc. > 2018:November:6
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Denver Teacher Strike - events
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Election Nov:7: activist endorsed RESULTS so far: SoS
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Election '18 group Endorsements, Scorecards, etc.
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
The Truth About Vaccines - Thu Aug:17 - Wed, Aug:23 MAM
GMOs Revealed - Tue Aug:22 - ?
Your video may Sponsor & relieve Civic Satisfaction
Keep The Hives Alive - video - Tue, Jun 20 - Mon, Jun 26
Your video may Sponsor & relieve Civic Satisfaction
Igniting the Local Food Revolution in Your Community
Your Video Book may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
RECOUNT of Prez vote - Does legal chicanery prove guilt?
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Progressive Reorganization Revolution of Dems, 2017?
Your Video Book may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Nov:25-Dec:3 - Boycott Hewlett Packard BDS fb
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Plutonium: Keep Kids Off Rocky Flats Feasibility Study
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
2016 Election Scorecards & Voter Guides: CO Prez polls
Election: Hillary or Donald not only choices 4 Way Debates
Your Alert may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Nuke Bomb Accident, Arkansas - Oct:7-13 - Chez Artiste
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Shadows of Democracy June:6-26 FS tv Move to Amend
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Caucus 2016:March:1:6:30 to sign in, 7 pm
Colorado Dems Caucus Locations
Colorado GOP Caucus Info
Secretary of State, Candi Find My Voter Registration
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Elections Nov:3, vote early, vote often
this Alert is Civic Satisfaction
Candi Licks: Run-Off June:2 Results Candi Contact
Candi Licks May:5 Questions Other Questionnaires
Candi Videos: Denver Decides Channel 8
$$$ Ballotpedia Colorado Pols Just Vote
Denver Votes: ballot, Candi contact, register, dropoff, etc
2015:May:5 Denver Election "current"/"new" District map
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Harry Hempy
Governor, Green
Call for Volunteers
Hempy4Governor Living Wage for Colorado
equal-opportunity Elections
Medicare For All
Hempy4Governor is a proud Sponsor of Civic Satisfaction
Paul Noel Fiorino Vote Smart WestWord
Governor, Unaffiliated Combo STATESMAN
9 News-shorts-Decides CDBaby Camera
Fiorino for Colorado is a proud Sponsor
Ra l Acosta US Senate Independent Right to Life
Classic Values with an Innovative Approach Camera
Innovation is key for our economic revival! 9 Voter Guide
Acosta For U.S. Senate is a proud Sponsor
Governor: 6 ballot Candidates Forum! Arvada Chamber
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Just Vote Colorado Where to drop off or vote, when open
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
2014:June:13-Sept:21 Summer of Peace The Peace-Alliance
Your Initiative may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Mark === HD 2 === Democratic Minority Leader
Ferrandino == Town Halls ==
Mark Ferrandino is a proud Sponsor of Civic Satisfaction
Congressional Redistricting Colorado: Final Plan
Sponsored by Civic Satisfaction, please help
Peace Ambassador training:2012:March:7-June:6
The Shift Network Peace Alliance $747
Your Alerts may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
90% of Humans live in Poverty - Exhibit thru Sept:25
Redline Gallery, 2350 Arapahoe St, Denver
Your Campaign may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Support Schools for a Bright Colorado
- Where to sign a petition - Amendment 25
Your Campaign may Sponsor Civic Satisfaction
Bob Kinsey, a Green for US Senate
Bob Kinsey is a proud Sponsor of Civic Satisfaction
Annual Peace Concert Swallow Hill December:14:7 pm
Swallow Hill  
71 E.Yale, Denver $1 at the door
Buddy Moore
Independent Candidate for US Senate
Buddy Moore is a proud Sponsor of Civic Satisfaction
Candidates: Help voters meet you.
Help voters see your Word.
Call Volunteers from the Active community.
Sponsor ads help us help you.

June:11-17 Artists Against Convention 3659 Navajo free
Artists Against Convention is a proud Sponsor

What If we Nuke Iran?
Time to revive this? 2012:January:22
Don't Do It - Don't Attack Iran
Drop Work, School and Rally at local main rally points
Call for Nation Wide Strike, Stop the Economy
Some local meeting points and active groups:
Arvada 52nd&Wadsworth CCFP
Boulder Court House RMPJC
Broomfield City & County FRPJC
Denver State Capital CCJP
Ft Collins Mulberry & College STP
Longmont 6th & Main LCJD - pdf
Loveland Taft & 34 FRPJC
Nederland Peace Garden MFFP
Next rally: don't attack Iran:2007:tba...???
I'd love to ask the debating Republicans
if they would send the Israelis against Iran.
Bet they sound as stupid as Palin.
Walt, 2012:January:22
Civic Satisfaction is the only non-profit to help
all active groups and candidates on all issues
With low funds we only list part of what is going on.
Help us help you.Button CLOSED Again
- click above for checks to help -

What's your message to the activist community?
Contributor messages and acknowledgments for:
events, business, candidates, etc
or email
